
    Press Release

    Duty Refund – Section 301 China Import Tariff (Updated April 18, 2019)

    The U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) announced a third list of excluded commodities from the China Import Tariff on April 18, 2019.  Similar to the first and second group of excluded commodities, a company may submit a Post Summary Correction (PSC) to US Customs to apply for a duty refund.  The duty refund exclusions are retroactive from July 6, 2018 and...

    Press Release

    Duty Refund – Section 301 China Import Tariff

    The U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) has reviewed thousands of requests from companies to exclude their products from the China Import Tariff.  As of now, there are two lists of excluded products.  Any customer can submit a Post Summary Correction (PSC) to U.S. Customs to apply for a duty refund.  The exclusions are retroactive from July 6, 2018 and will expire...

    Press Release

    New York Office New Location

    Speedmark Transportation, Inc., New York Branch moved effective February 18, 2019.